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Saturday, September 10, 2011

"His Nakedness" The Emperor

Do you remember the story about the naked emperor?  Well, I am sorry to tell you, he's still naked.  He’s old now.  He’s gained weight.  He’s a bit daffy.  He’s got his teeth though.  They’re sharp.  They’ll still bite right into you if you dare question the elegance of his attire.  

His Nakedness recently came to me as I pondered bullying prevention in my state.  We laud our state’s policy.  We are a forerunner of the nation.  We do more than most states.  We have a published bullying prevention curriculum.  All students will participate in these class meetings.  Here’s the problem.  It’s my experience that it’s really not happening. Bunches of different reasons.  Sighs heaved.  Heads shaken.  Eyes closed in resignation.  “We do the best we can Ms. Werner.” The naked emperor reigns.

The first thing, then, that we must do is to at least acknowledge his nudity.  Maybe then we can get him to look down for goodness sakes.  Give the man a fig leaf! Let’s get started.  Let’s move from a defensive “it IS being done” conversation to one of authentically and comprehensively addressing just how the heck we’ll get it done state wide.   

The bullying prevention lessons are good.  The plan is even better.  And now we’ve come full circle.  Here you go for what it’s worth.  Until state and school leaders--at all levels--understand the importance of bullying prevention to our children’s success and empower and educate themselves on the commitment necessary to do what they say we are doing, we will continue only to offer vapid lip service to the real and true urgency of preventing bullying so that our children feel safe and learn.  Right now we're not comprehensively preventing anything--unless it's our emperor's wrath. 

Listen. The emperor bites. We’ll be careful. 

Next up let's start sewing.  I’ve set up a loom.  I am a loom vendor!  Want one?

7:41 am edt          Comments

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