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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

From the A Piece Full World Bully Pulpit: A 56 Year Old Mockingjay Speaks Up

"To achieve the best for our communities and America requires an insistence on justice for all. It means you and I need to speak up far more often than most of us do. It means each of us ought to use the 'bully pulpit' available to everyone. I am most certainly not advocating the crude, angry, I-can-outshout-you voices that pass these days for public discourse on blogs and broadcast. But I do mean that we citizens need to be speaking up more often about what we think is right and good." --David Lawrence Jr., September, 2012

(Response to a friend when asked if I'd been invited to testify as an "expert witness" at the Kemp Mill Elementary School case)

"Ay, no mi vida....I'm going though. I really want to be there to hear the testimony. I hope you've read the case....it is obscenely familiar to me. The first count is of "negligent retention." I found that term in my research of workplace bullying when I was on my medical leave. At that time I did not know of all of the other targets my former principal had terrorized. I have one of the poor targets' cases. It is one of two formal documents in which my name was used fraudently. It started the outright (and gleeful, it seemed) bullying for me once my abuser knew I hadn't support his lies. Remember he met me at the sign in sheet THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL of 2009 and confronted me.....I told him I'd told the truth....he said--I will never forget it--"That's a problem..."

It was at the end of that school year--spring 2010--dates like abuse bookends really--that he used my name again--or had his bullying follower, his good friend ( I'm sometimes not sure who the bully is and who the follower is.....), use it in the court case documents. I would never have known if I hadn't requested public records. I simply wanted to see what he'd said I'd done and said. It was outrageous.

I know, no, I KNOW! this district is guilty of negligent retention. (Names, with the exception of Kim Werner changed for targets' protection) JASMINE PINKLEY, MARILYN LOWE, KARMEN WATTS, KIM WERNER. MIGUEL DUARTE, and so many more, know the same.

It must be the NEA site and the private anguished letters I've received from bullied targets in schools from across the nation. I simply cannot let this go. I am going to do everything I can to help other targets. In the end that is the only way, I believe, we wil ever really help children be safe from bullying."
5:33 am edt          Comments

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Click here for my district's bullying and harassment policy. You will see I have made comments....